Friday, June 25, 2010


True success is not about the accumulation of liabilities but the discovery and fulfillment of the reason for one’s existence. In fact, a man is not considered to have lived a fulfilled life, if after he had departed from this world, could not be remembered for his impact on his generation. However, life cannot be meaningful until there is a discovery of why you are here, because the discovery of your reason for existence – purpose, is the foundation of your success in life.
There are two sets of people, I believe – those who struggle to make headway in life and those who get things done easily. Now, the difference between the duo is not chance or luck but life based on purpose. Have you seen a man who lives his life based on a discovered purpose, things will work out for such easily than a man without the knowledge of his reason for existence. The only thing that can make life not to be a bed of roses is when you are yet to discover the ‘why’ you are.
Purpose is like a seed. A farmer cannot have a successful planting if he would not sit and first determine the kind of seed to plant. It is the identification of the seed he wants to plant, that will pave the way to other questions he must answer before he goes ahead to plant. Therefore, your seed is your purpose and until you discover your purpose, you cannot have a successful planting.
The number of things you have tried is not what makes you a legend but what you have done successfully. Great icons are not men that are known for many things but one thing they do excellently. You cannot be celebrated until you stick yourself to that one thing you have discovered about yourself. Remember that you can be talented in many ways, but the fact is all these are meant to contribute to the fulfillment of your purpose. Therefore, what is your seed?

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